220 River St. N.
This building was built in late 1908 to house the Wright County Bank, which had moved from its location on Railroad Avenue. The Delano Eagle reported in January 1909 that the bank was settled in its new home on River street, and was in possession of “fine, commodious quarters with new fixtures and furnishings throughout.” The interior finish was in oak with a tile floor, steel ceiling and attractive electric fixtures. It was heated with a furnace, insuring comfort, and “the general appearance of the whole a credit to the town.”

In this picture of lower River street from 1910, the Wright County Bank building is fourth from the right, with its white awning extended.
In October of 1910 the Wright County Bank and the State Bank of Delano consolidated, and a new bank, the First National Bank, occupied the building on River Street.

March, 1917.

The Delano Post Office moved into the building in 1926. Here we can see people looking out of the Post Office window at the flood in 1965. The post office moved to their new and current building on the corner of River Street and Railroad Avenue later that same year.

Since that time, the building has been a real estate office, Linda's Photography Studio, and is in 2021 the home of The Realty Lab.