General Federated
Women's Club of Delano
GFWC is a nationally chartered organization with several local chapters. The national organization was founded on April 24, 1890. GFWC has given to our community in many ways since it was established in1968. Over the past 53 years, the GFWC of Delano has:
• Launched the award winning recycling program in Delano.
• Donated over $40,000 and hundreds of volunteer hours to the Delano Library.
• Built the gazebo in Central Park.
• Funded the walking path from the elementary school to Park Ave.
• Provided the shade structure, tables, and signs within River Front Park.
• Funded a new paved walkway at the gazebo.
• Financed raised garden beds at the Delano Elementary School.
• Provided funds for the Central Park splash pad.
• Donated a special needs wheelchair to be used at the splash pad.
• Participated in the Delano Spirit of Community trail.
Thousands of dollars were donated to: Delano Girl Scouts; Science
Olympiad; Destination Imagination; Relay for Life; Dollars for Scholars; Operation Smile; March of Dimes; United Way; MEADA; 4th of July; Helping Hands Food Shelf; HOBY; Delano Library; and the list goes on.
• Hosted / sponsored Citizen of the Year award banquets; annual cardmarathons; free concerts in the park every summer; GFWC Relay for Life Teams; delivered personalized singing telegrams; coordinated Letters from Santa to elementary school children; helped with Legion bingo.
GFWC clubs and clubwomen are the fabric that binds not only the federation, but the communities in which they live and work. By living the volunteer
spirit, GFWC clubwomen transform lives each day, not simply with monetary donations, but with hands-on tangible projects that provide immediate impact.
With a grassroots approach that often thinks locally but impacts globally, GFWC, its clubs and members remain committed to serving as a force for global good, as it has done since its formation 131 years ago. With over 80,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members work in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance education, promote healthy lifestyles, encourage civic involvement, and
work toward world peace and understanding.
Founded in 1890, GFWC’s roots can be traced back to 1868 when Jane Cunningham Croly, a professional journalist, attempted to attend a dinner
at an all-male press club honoring British novelist Charles Dickens. Croly was denied admittance based upon her gender, and in response, formed
a woman’s club—Sorosis. In celebration of Sorosis’ 21st anniversary in 1889, Jane Croly invited women’s clubs throughout the United States to pursue
the cause of federation by attending a convention in New York City. On April 24, 1890, 63 clubs officially formed the General Federation of Women’s
Clubs by ratifying the GFWC constitution.
Since 1890, GFWC’s impact has been felt throughout communities across the United States and the globe. In the 1930s, women’s clubs were credited by the American Library Association with having established 75 percent of America’s public libraries. GFWC of Delano supports our local library and encourages our community to do the same.